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**Due to Return Policy, we do NOT ACCEPT RETURN or EXCHANGES unless the item you purchased is Defective within 3 Days. Please Contact Us with Details of the Product and the Defect.**
**Due to technical problems with direct online transfer in website, we don't accept direct online transfer or cash walk-in. We suggest customer to use FPX (Ipay88) for smooth online transfer or online banking. Please refer this link :
**Please message us to inform about the item first before place order, this for make sure the stock still available before u place order and make payment** **Due to lack manpower, we may not be able to fulfil next day deliveries due to heavy surges in online orders – you will be advised of any product availability issues when placing your order. **

Showing 1009–1017 of 1531 results

Showing 1009-1017 of 1531 results.



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